#25490 Module Cakes 1.0 19 shots

Uploaded at Jan. 6, 2021

video #1
Manufacturer: YHL
#25490 Module Cakes 1.0 19 shots
image #1
Manufacturer: YHL
#25490 Module Cakes 1.0 19 shots
#25490 Module Cakes 1.0 19 shots
Price, FOB: 32.67$*
Packing: 12/1
Pieces in box: 12
Price per item: 2.72$
Price per shot: 0.14$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Red tail red pearl time rain/ green tail green pearl time rain/ blue tail navy blue time rain


  • Caliber tubing (D1), inches 1.0
  • Shots quantity (D1) 19
  • Outer tube size (D1), mm 30
  • Inner tube size (D1), mm 25
  • Tube Height (D1), mm 175
  • Powder weight in one product, g 200.0
  • Shooting method I
  • Item size Hexagonal prism 88x175
  • Effect duration, s 33
  • Module cake True
  • Shipping pieces 12
  • Packing 12/1
  • Volume, m³ 0.045
  • Carton weight (kg) 16.8
  • Hazard class according to ADR 1.4G
  • Presence of the CE certificate No
  • Manufacturer code YHL
  • Minimal Qty 150
  • Good for USA market True
  • Form of item Hexagonal prism
  • Edge length 88
  • Height 175

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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