Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


Red glittering comet
Green comet
Ti-gold coconut and red peony with red tail
Time rain comet
Red comet
Ti-gold coconut and green glittering with green tail
Red tiger tail
Red coconut pistil and green glittering
Green tiger tail
Green coconut pistil and white glittering
Jewelry flower mine
Red dahlia and jewelry flower with red tail
Green dahlia and jewelry flower with green tail
Red tail up burst red coconut pistil and crackling
Green tail up burst green coconut pistil and crackling
Time rain mine up burst blue tail and big gold coconut and green glittering gypsophila
Time rain mine up whistling
Time rain up burst red tail red green dahlia and chrys
Price, FOB: 52.37$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 52.37$
Green wave and crackling with green tail
Silver crown and green glittering with red tail
Purple peony and sky blue spider willow with green tail
Purple peony and gold coconut vine with red tail
Ti-gold willow to red with red tail
Green peony and gold coconut with green tail
Red coconut pistil and crackling with red tail
Red wave and green glittering with red tail
Green wave and white glittering with green tail
Red green coconut pistil and crackling chrys with red tail
Silver crown and green glittering with red tail
Green tail spit purple peony
Brocade crown and white glittering with red tail
Brocade crown and green glittering with green tail
Brocade crown and red glittering with red tail
Purple peony and sky blue and silver crown time rain willow with red tail
Red green coconut pistil and crackling chrys with green tail
Price, FOB: 67.83$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 67.83$
Roman candle 12*16*280mm/1400 shots: Sky blue peony
Paper tube cake 30*36*280mm/60 shots: Gold crown and blue peony
Price, FOB: 72.40$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 72.40$
Blue mine up burst Ti-gold coconut and blue peony with blue stail
Blue mine up burst blue peony and red glittering with blue tail
Blue mine up burst gold crown and blue peony with blue tail
Blue mine up burst Ti-gold coconut to blue with blue tail
Blue mine up burst blue peony and brocade crown with blue tail
Blue peony and gold crown and crackling with blue tail
Blue mine up burst flower brown and blue peony and red glittering with blue tail
Blue dahlia mine
Blue peony red glittering and gold chrys
Price, FOB: 73.45$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 73.45$
per shot: 0.44$
Yellow tiger tail
Red tail spit crackling silver fish
Green tail spit green peony and crackling chrys
Red tail spit blue peony and brocad crown
Green tail spit blue peony and white glittering waterfall
Red green peony and silk willow with red tail
Crackling willow with crackling tail
Green peony and silk willow with green tail
Red coconut pistil and white glittering with red tail
Red coconut pistil and green glittering with green tail
Green coconut pistil and crackling with green tail
Blue peony and red glittering willow with red tail
Green glittering willow with green glittering tail
White glittering willow with white glittering tail
Price, FOB: 76.62$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 76.62$
Gold fountain/silver rain
Silver fountain/gold coconut tree and blue star
Gold fountain/gold coconut tree and purple star
Silver pistil and gold fountain/gold coconut tree and red glittering
Blue to chrys
Price, FOB: 22.84$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 22.84$
Gold fountain red glittering and gold coconut tree
Silver fountain red blue star and gold silk king
Red blue silk king
Brocade crown to chrys
Price, FOB: 34.27$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 17.13$
Gold fountain and blue star and silver glittering
Silver fountain and green star and gold silk
Silver fountain and red green silk king
Silver fountain and spinner
Price, FOB: 40.77$
Packing: 12/1
per item: 3.40$
Silver burst red star
Silver fountain Ti-gold flower and red green bee
Silver fountain small silk
Price, FOB: 44.28$
Packing: 8/1
per item: 5.54$
Silver fountain blue star gold plate
Gold fountain to silver fountain
Gold fountain to green star and silver plate
Price, FOB: 45.34$
Packing: 8/1
per item: 5.67$
Ti-flower/red/green spinner
Price, FOB: 49.61$
Packing: 32/6
per item: 0.26$
Silver fountain/gold fountain
Price, FOB: 51.58$
Packing: 16/2
per item: 1.61$
Christmas tree
Gold fountain red star silver burst
Red green spinner
Price, FOB: 52.01$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 2.17$
Silver sword and red blue star
Gold silk and red green star
Silver fountain spit chrys
Price, FOB: 52.37$
Packing: 16/1
per item: 3.27$
Christmas tree
Gold chrys
Silver fountain, Gold sunflower and red green star
Price, FOB: 52.37$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 2.18$
Silver fountain red blue and silver silk
Silver fountain blue flame and Ti-gold fountain
Siver fountain red flame and Ti-gold fountain
Flower rain
Price, FOB: 57.11$
Packing: 12/1
per item: 4.76$
Silver fountain
Blue star and gold silk king
Gold fountain
Blue star and gold willow
Blue star silk king
Price, FOB: 66.42$
Packing: 4/1
per item: 16.61$
Silver fountain/gold fountain
Price, FOB: 71.03$
Packing: 24/2
per item: 1.48$
Gold chrys+silver sunflower red green star
Gold fountain
Silver fountain spit chrys
Price, FOB: 71.17$
Packing: 4/1
per item: 17.79$ strobe mine to white strobe waterfall spinner flower tail , strobe mine to crackling chrys spinner flower tail , 3. silver crown green strobe mine , 4. silver crown green strobe no colour tail , 5.6titanium gold palm to red to green gold palm tail , 7.titanium gold palm to red to green gold palm tail , spinner flower , crackling chrys red tail , 8. purple light ocean blue spider willow red willow , spinner flower , crackling chrys red tail , 9.10.silver crwon red plum blossom red tail ,11. green strobe mine spinner flower , silver willow green strobe red tail ,12. green strobe mine spinner flower , orange light ocean blue spider willow red tail ,13.14 orange light ocean blue spider willow silk tail , 15. red light ocean blue cracklinhg chrys silk tail .titanium salute red tail .16. whistling .
Price, FOB: 98.05$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 98.05$
1.2 green strobe mine purple light spider willow green strobe green tail , 3. to blue light brocade crown no colour tail . 4. to red green light crackling chrys green tail ,5. crackling chrys spinner flower tail , 6 silver crown red strobe brocade crown tail ,7. green strobe mine ,red green blue light red tail , white strobe red tail , 8. green strobe mine .red green blue light red tail , green strobe red tail , light red strobe willow brocade crown tail , silver crown post , 10. silver crown red strobe brocade crown tail , silver crown post , 11.whistling , 12, red green blue light crackling chrys red tail , titanium salute red tail , 13.14.whistling , light spider willow green strobe red tail ,white strobe mine red tiger tail , 16. blue light spider willow white strobe green tail ,white strobe mine red tiger tail , 17. purple light spider willow red plum blossom , 18. crackling mine to blue light red tail , red light spider willow green strobe red tail , light brocade crown white strobe wolf whistling tail , red green light crackling red tail , titanium salute red tail .
Price, FOB: 119.49$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 119.49$
green strobe mine 1.2. blue light gold strobe willow mine , crackling chrys wolf whistling tail , red green blue head time rain willow
Price, FOB: 49.20$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 49.20$
per shot: 0.49$
purple tail brocade palm red dahlia , green tail brocade palm green dahlia , red tail silver chrys purple dahlia .
Price, FOB: 36.20$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 2/1
per item: 18.10$
per shot: 0.18$
Red tail red pearl time rain/ green tail green pearl time rain/ blue tail navy blue time rain
Price, FOB: 32.51$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/1
per item: 2.71$
per shot: 0.14$