#8742 Flame Fountain

Uploaded at July 2, 2015

#8742 Flame Fountain
#8742 Flame Fountain
#8742 Flame Fountain
Price, FOB: 7450.00$*
Pieces in box: None
Price per item: 7450.00$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Flame Fountain is the revolutionary product in the special effect industry.

This system shows two opposing elements coexistence of water and flame.

The system, which is a small fountain with a flame dancing atop the stream of cascading water, creates the paradoxical visual effect by dispelling a dose of natural gas through the water, making it flammable and able to emit a ball of fire at the center. Thus, there is the illusion of a cooperative relationship between the two natural elements


  • Technical characteristics POWER : 200V ~ 240V 16AMP For 110v, Transformer is needed DIMENSIONS : 90(L) x 30(W) x 69(L) cm WEIGHT : 41kg MAX WORKABLE HEIGHT : 8m MAIN FUEL : To use flame fountain, "water basin", LPG bottle, DMX controller and flame fountain Shots : almost 100times


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