#8739 Moving Flame System

#8739 Moving Flame System
Price, FOB: 8625.00$*
Pieces in box: None
Price per item: 8625.00$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Moving Flame System can make a flame column up to 10m high.
The system has a maximum movement of 360º for Pan and 180º for Tilt.
System has 5 DMX channels (CH1-Pan, CH2-Tilt, CH3-Shoot, CH4-Spark, CH5-Spare).
The pressure to shoot the flame up to 10m is supplied from nitrogen gas tank. The system
is controlled by standard DMX controller.
For Safety measure, the spark igniter is monitored with UV sensor and without spark, the system cannot shoot the flame


  • Technical characteristics POWER : 110V / 230V / 700W DIMENSIONS : 47(L) x 38(W) x 68(H)cm WEIGHT : 27.5kg PAN : 360º TILT : 180º FLAME HEIGHT : up to 10m MAIN FUEL : Isopar G or H


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