#2751 Prism Flame System

Uploaded at July 1, 2015

#2751 Prism Flame System
#2751 Prism Flame System
#2751 Prism Flame System
#2751 Prism Flame System
#2751 Prism Flame System
Price, FOB: 1955.00$*
Packing: 1
Pieces in box: 1
Price per item: 1955.00$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Prism Flame System can fire a desired single color flame among four colors.
Using color flame fluid that mixes with propane gas or nitrogen gas will generate a colored flame between 1.5 and 3 meter high, depending on the propellant gas. Up to four different color flame fluid bottles (900ml) can be housed inside Prism flame. For safety purpose, Prism Flame is equipped with a pilot flame detection (electrode) and its safeguard control board.


  • Technical characteristics POWER : 110V / 230V / 150W DIMENSIONS : 90(L) x 30(W) x 69(H)cm WEIGHT : 11kg FLAME HEIGHT : 1.5 to 3m MAIN FUEL : Color flame fluid
  • Shipping pieces 1
  • Packing 1


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