#27005 Spray for goalkeeper gloves

#27005 Spray for goalkeeper gloves
image #1
Price, FOB: 623.36$*
Packing: 100/1
Pieces in box: 100
Price per item: 6.23$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Spray for goalkeeper gloves

"Capacity: 30ml

Weight: 40g

Product includes: 1 * 40 milliliters of tackifier

Spray use: used for football goalkeeper gloves to increase the stickiness of football gloves

Box: 350 * 350 * 140mm, 100 bottles/box, 4kg"


  • Shipping pieces 100
  • Packing 100/1
  • Volume, m³ 0.017
  • Carton weight (kg) 4.0
  • Manufacturer code XTL
  • Minimal Qty 1

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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