#25217 colorfull confetti 15CM,colorfull paper from PET meterial, stars shape

Uploaded at Nov. 11, 2020

video #1
Manufacturer: YKH
#25217 colorfull confetti 15CM,colorfull paper from PET meterial, stars shape
image #1
Manufacturer: YKH
#25217 colorfull confetti 15CM,colorfull paper from PET meterial, stars shape
#25217 colorfull confetti 15CM,colorfull paper from PET meterial, stars shape
Price, FOB: 34.21$*
Packing: 8/24
Pieces in box: 192
Price per item: 0.18$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


colorfull paper from PET meterial, stars shape


  • Shipping pieces 192
  • Packing 8/24
  • Volume, m³ 0.073
  • Carton weight (kg) 12.5
  • Hazard class according to ADR 1.4S
  • Presence of the CE certificate No
  • Manufacturer code YKH
  • Minimal Qty 100
  • Good for USA market True
  • Form of item Cylinder
  • Diameter 50
  • Height 150

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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