#15329 Rocket d45

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#15329 Rocket d45
#15329 Rocket d45
#15329 Rocket d45
#15329 Rocket d45
#15329 Rocket d45
Price, FOB: 91.64$*
Packing: 20/4
Pieces in box: 80
Price per item: 1.15$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


A. Red dahlia and white strobe B.Green dahlia and gold strobe C.Silver fish and blue pearlD.Colorful dahlia and crackling chry.E.Red dahlia and silver crackling chry


  • Rocket diameter, mm 45
  • Powder weight in one product, g 50.0
  • Shipping pieces 80
  • Packing 20/4
  • Hazard class according to ADR 1.4G
  • Manufacturer code YHH
  • Minimal Qty 100

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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