#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls

Uploaded at March 16, 2016

Uploaded at March 16, 2016

Uploaded at March 16, 2016

Uploaded at March 16, 2016

Uploaded at March 16, 2016

Uploaded at March 16, 2016

#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
image #1
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
#14961 Festival shells 1.75" 6 balls
Price, FOB: 23.15$*
Packing: 12/6
Pieces in box: 72
Price per item: 0.32$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Red light,green light,red and green and blue,red with white strobe,green with white strobe,crackling


  • Сaliber of shell, inches 1.75
  • The number of shells in consumer package(in set) 6
  • Shipping pieces 72
  • Packing 12/6
  • Hazard class according to ADR 1.4G
  • Manufacturer code ZMQ
  • Minimal Qty 100

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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