wholesale market
May 30, 2022
The SuperFireworks Co., Ltd. team keeps sharing fantastic facts from the world of fireworks and pyrotechnics within our FFF series!
…What makes fireworks even more impressive? Adding a sense of taste and smell to the experience of color and sound! This is exactly what the masters of pyrotechnics did in collaboration with food specialists from the London studio Bompas & Parr at the New Year's Eve display of 2013–14. Around 50,000 people watching between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge experienced different-coloured fireworks matched to fruity flavours in smell and taste. Red pyrotechnics were accompanied by a strawberry-flavoured cloud. Other colours triggered smelling and tasting clouds of commensurately coloured apple, cherry and strawberry mist, along with peach snow, "floating oranges" (thousands of bubbles filled with Seville-orange-flavoured smoke) and edible banana confetti. While all fireworks have some element of cordite smoke and taste, this was the first display to match fruit smells and flavours to the audio-visual elements...
Stay tuned and stay super with SuperFireworks Company!