wholesale market
Dec. 22, 2022
In many countries of the world there is a good tradition to celebrate weddings, corporate parties, anniversaries and, of course, the New Year with a bang. It's no secret that the New Year’s celebration is the loudest and most enchanting holiday in terms of the use of pyrotechnics.
Traditionally, we welcome the New Year with a glass of champagne and a sparkler in our hands. After the chiming clock, many people gather together on the street to launch some fireworks. In the first minutes of the New Year, the sky is painted with all the colors, there are bangs heard from all sides and everyone is having fun!
But on the morning of the next day, reports appear in the news feeds about accidents and tragic cases: fingers are lost, there are burns and injuries, someone's tablecloth get caught on fire from sparklers. Everyone wanted to just have fun, but some people end up in the hospital. In most cases, pyrotechnic launch accidents could have been avoided.
Annual raids are carried out on the illegal pyrotechnics traders. Sappers take out all the confiscated illegal pyrotechnics to the demolition site. Huge batches of confiscated pyrotechnics are burned. But still, law enforcement agencies fail to catch everyone red-handed... Sellers get huge profits, while endangering the safety of buyers. A product sold illegally is usually much cheaper than that from an authorized dealer and thus attracts many buyers.
SuperFireworks Co., Ltd is a leading manufacturer and supplier of pyrotechnics from China. We want to remind you of the dangerous consequences of using pyrotechnics purchased on the flea market, or from unofficial dealers via the Internet, or in retail outlets that are not specialized for sailing fireworks.
Please remember that the low price is the result of using unsafe substances during fireworks production. Such products may be defective, uncertified, expired, and the rules of storage and transportation may be violated. Accordingly, the product may change its properties and become dangerous. On the other hand, when buying pyrotechnics in specialized stores, you get a quality and safety guarantee.
SuperFireworks Co., Ltd cares about the safety of our customers and therefore we are thoroughly testing all our products. The safety of our products is confirmed by a quality certificate.
Be careful when buying pyrotechnics! Buy fireworks products only in specialized stores; be sure to check the documents confirming the quality and safety of pyrotechnic products, and always read manuals.
SuperFireworks Company wishes you happy and safe holidays! Stay tuned and stay super!