Will be stopped fireworks production again?

Oct. 25, 2021

Good afternoon!
Today SuperFireworks Co., LTD will tell its readers about the next unplanned stop of fireworks production, now on the initiative of the factories themselves.
Recently, the prices of raw materials have soared by more than 50%.
Such an increase in the price of materials for the production of fireworks leads to an inevitable jump in cost.
One of the most important materials in the production of fireworks is potassium nitrate.
Due to the current situation on the raw materials market and for safety reasons, the fireworks manufacturers decided to stop production for 20 days, starting from October 25.
The production of fireworks will be resumed after the stabilization of prices in the raw materials market.
If you are still thinking about placing an order for the production of fireworks in China, we ask you to sign contracts and pay deposits right now.
In this case, after the start of production, your goods will be produced first!
Stay with us and follow the development of the situation around the fireworks market in China.