Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


Red tail and purple pearl with white strobe, Red tail and red coconut with crackling pearl,Green tail blast green pearl and white strobe, Green tail and green coconut and crackling pearl, Red tail and gold coconut with white strobe, Green tail and purple&green peony, Red tail and silver coconut and blue pearl
Price, FOB: 21.50$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 1/1
per item: 21.50$
per shot: 0.22$
Red tail and purple pearl with white strobe, Red tail and red coconut with crackling pearl,Green tail blast green pearl and white strobe, Green tail and green coconut and crackling pearl, Red tail and gold coconut with white strobe, Green tail and purple&green peony, Red tail and silver coconut and blue pearl
Price, FOB: 27.53$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 2/1
per item: 13.77$
per shot: 0.22$
Red peony,Green peony, Red coconut, Green coconut, Silver coconut,white strobe, Crackling
Price, FOB: 42.39$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 10.60$
per shot: 0.11$
Red peony and green peony
Price, FOB: 30.50$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/4
per item: 0.64$
per shot: 0.08$
Red tail and red coconut with crackling, Green tail and green&yellow with white strobe
Price, FOB: 40.06$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 24/1
per item: 1.67$
per shot: 0.21$
Crackling and red pistil
Price, FOB: 40.67$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/6
per item: 0.56$
per shot: 0.07$