Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


red star and white strobe
blue star and white strobe
blue star and silver chrys
brocade crown and blue star
red blue dahlia and Ti-gold palm
red blue dahlia brocade crown
time rain
brocade crown
Price, FOB: 35.05$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 17.52$
per shot: 0.18$ tail red palm , tail green palm ,3.silver tail silver palm ,4.5 blue tail blue pistil silver fish , red tail blue light white strobe , 6. red tail red light crackling , 7. green tail purple green peony ,8. blue tail blue light gold strobe , 9.11 green tail brocade crown green strobe , 10.12 silver tail brocade crown crackling , 13. red tail yellow palm crackling , 14. whistling silver dragon , 15. red tail chrys .
Price, FOB: 34.52$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 17.26$
per shot: 0.09$
red tail red star white strobe ,green tail green star white strobe , green tail purple star crackling , red tail red star white strobe ,green tail green star white strobe , green tail purple star crackling , green tail blue star time rain , red tail red palm crackling , green tail green palm gold strobe , red tail silver palm time rain ,green tail purple palm time rain , red tail brocade crown white strobe ,red tail red palm crackling ,green tail green palm gold strobe ,red tail silver spinner flower , green tail silver spinner flower , red tail silver palm time rain ,green tail time rain willow green strobe , whistling silver dragon .
Price, FOB: 50.98$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 50.98$
1.multicolour falling leave , brocade crown , 3. to white strobe , 4. multicolour falling leave , 5. to chrys .
Price, FOB: 51.69$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 51.69$
per shot: 0.39$
1-2row,red tail red green palm chrys ,green tail purple palm green strobe ,shot by shot ,
3row ,left incline,red palm post ,no tail blast white strobe ,shot by shot ,
4row,right incline,green palm post ,no tail blast white strobe ,shot by shot ,
(3/4row V shape ,fast on)
5row,left incline,yellow palm post ,no tail blast crackling , shot by shot ,
6row,right incline,purple palm post ,no tail blast crackling , shot by shot ,
(5/6row V shape ,fast on)
7row, red tail brocade crown red green star ,3/3/4 fast on ,
8row, green tail time rain willow together .
Price, FOB: 40.36$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 20.18$
1row, 15 shots, red tail blue star red plum blossom,green tail brocade crown green strobe , shot by shot ,
2row, 15 shots, red tail red palm green strobe ,silver time rain post , shot by shot fast on ,
3row, 15 shots , green tail green palm crackling , red tail blue star gold strobe , shot by shot ,
4-5rows, red tail brocade crown white strobe , green tail brocade crown green strobe , red tail brocade crown red strobe , 5 shots by 5shots , fast on ,
6row, 10 shots , left incline, green tiger tail post ,
7row ,10shots , brocade crown silver chrys ,
8row, 10 shots, right incline, red tiger tail post ,
(6/7/8row W shape together .)
9row, 15 shots , silver spinner tail blast crackling , silver spinner blast purple green star , shot by shot fast on ,
10row, 15 shots , green tail crackling willow blue star , silver tail whistling , shot by shot fast on ,
11row, 7 shots green tail blast red palm chrys together , 8 shots chrys mine blast green palm chrys together .
Price, FOB: 45.31$
Packing: 1/1
per item: 45.31$
per shot: 0.29$
red green palm white strobe , brocade crown purple star time rain , silver palm post , brocade crown green blue star , silver palm post , red green blue star white strobe , to red star white strobe , brocade crown green blue star , silver tail whistling , brocade crown red star big silver chrys .
Price, FOB: 32.75$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 16.37$
per shot: 0.27$
brocade crown red green star , red palm blue star green strobe , silver palm post , red blue star white strobe , silver palm post , brocade crown blue star , silver palm post ,red green blue star white strobe , to blue star chrys , purple star green strobe , to blue star chrys , red green crackling star , to blue star chrys , red green palm white strobe , silver tail whistling , blue star big silver chrys .
Price, FOB: 46.37$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 23.19$
per shot: 0.29$
green tail red strobe willow green dahlia ,blue star white strobe willow blue dahlia , green tail white strobe willow purple dahlia , blue tail brocade time rain palm green strobe , red tail green strobe willow purple dahlia , blue tail gold strobe willow ocean blue dahlia ,red tail brocade time rain red strobe , gold tail brocade crown .
Price, FOB: 23.90$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 11.95$
per shot: 0.24$
Row 1,2 blue tail red light , red tail red light white strobe , blue tail green light ,green tail purple light green strobe ,blue tail lemon palm , row 3 blue tail blue light red strobe , row 4,5 red tail to red green gold white strobe willow , row 6 crackling tail to crackling willow , row 7,8 red green blue tail to brocade crown + red green blue , row 9,10 red green blue tail to red green yellow purple silver palm + crackling .the last row together .
Price, FOB: 24.78$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 1/1
per item: 24.78$
per shot: 0.25$
red blue purple pearl , white strobe , brocade crown , green strobe , red strobe willow , chrys willow , chrys .
Price, FOB: 24.60$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 1/1
per item: 24.60$
per shot: 0.21$
brocade crown & red green blue lemon purple pearl , crackling , chrys , silver fish , chrys willow .
Price, FOB: 27.97$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 1/1
per item: 27.97$
per shot: 0.25$
red green blue pearl , white strobe , green strobe , red strobe , time rain crackling , brocade crown , red green falling leave , brocade crown , silver fish .
Price, FOB: 53.10$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 2/1
per item: 26.55$
per shot: 0.13$
brocade crown red light , chrys, green light ,blue light ,gold strobe , gold willow white strobe , red strobe , green strobe , whistling , green tiger tail .
Price, FOB: 64.08$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 16.02$
per shot: 0.14$
12cm silver fountain
Price, FOB: 59.30$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 160/4
per item: 0.09$
gold chrys blue star ,gold chrys red star ,gold chrys green star ,gold chrys purple star .
Price, FOB: 38.23$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 8/1
per item: 4.78$
per shot: 0.10$
Red tail red pearl with white strobe,blue tail red palm with blue pearl, red tail red palm with crackling,green tail green pearl with crackling,silver tail brocade with crackling,red tail brocade with red and blue pearl,green tail brocade with purple and green pearl, red tail brocade with red strobe,blue tail brocade with blue pearl,silver tail brocade with crackling,red tail red palm with strobe,green tail green palm with green strobe,red tail yellow palm with gold strobe,silver tail brocade with crackling,chrys tail with chrys willow
Price, FOB: 69.03$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 1/1
per item: 69.03$
red tail purple green time rain / red tail white strobe crackling / blue tail chrys with silver time rain palm post / blue tail time rain / green tail purple green pearl crackling / red tail green palm time rain
Price, FOB: 29.06$
Packing: 8/1
per item: 3.63$
per shot: 0.10$
yellow port and silver ti flower
Price, FOB: 44.60$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 160/4
per item: 0.07$
15cm Long, color( red, yellow,green,purple,blue)
Price, FOB: 54.52$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 160/4
per item: 0.09$
1.big gold palm with green strobe palm with time rain
3.brocade crown with blue pearl pearl with glod strobe
5.purple pearl with chrys
Price, FOB: 30.98$
Packing: 12/1
per item: 2.58$
per shot: 0.10$
Red tail blue pearl with gold strobe,green tail Ti gold palm with green strobe,red tail red palm with white strobe,blue tail gold chrys
Price, FOB: 23.45$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 0.98$
per shot: 0.06$
red blue white strobe/yellow palm green strobe /red tiger tail /red palm chys/green tiger tail /green palm chys/red plum/brocade crown blue pearl /red green chys / chys post
Price, FOB: 23.36$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 1/1
per item: 23.36$
per shot: 0.16$
silver tail blast red wave white wave purple wave
Price, FOB: 29.23$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 1.22$
per shot: 0.08$