Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


green light with whistling fly dance , silver tail strange voice to white strobe red pearl , silver tail strange voice to chrys blue pearl , silver tail strange voice to chrys purple pearl .
Price, FOB: 57.32$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 2/1
per item: 28.66$
per shot: 0.32$
green wave with white strobe
Price, FOB: 49.34$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/6
per item: 0.69$
brocade crown with white strobe,brocade crown with green strobe,Ti golden with red strobe
Price, FOB: 49.34$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/6
per item: 0.69$
chrysanthemum,brocade crown,red wave with white strobe
Price, FOB: 65.31$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/6
per item: 0.91$
Red palm with white glittering;Red/green/blue dahlia mine with white glittering mine;Green palm with white glittering;Brocade palm with white glittering;Red pearls and sky blue pearls with white glittering;Blue pearls mine with chrys. mine;Orange pearls and green pearls with white glittering;Red pearls and green pearls with white glittering
Price, FOB: 16.95$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 2/1
per item: 8.48$
per shot: 0.28$
Red tail to red palm with time rain;Red tail to sea blue pearls with crackling chrys.;Green tail to green palm with time rain;Blue head golden glittering willow;Chrys. mine with red tail to red and green and blue dahlia with time rain
Price, FOB: 19.22$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 4.81$
Red pearl with white glittering;Green pearl with white glittering;Purple pearl with chrys.;Blue pearl with chrys.;Red mine with blue mine to silver silk whistling
Price, FOB: 27.26$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/1
per item: 2.27$
Red,Green, Purple and yellow crossette
Price, FOB: 31.28$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 16/1
per item: 1.95$
per shot: 0.12$
Time rain,Silver blast flower,White strobe,Green strobe,Red strobe,Golden willowSilver willow,Blue peony,Red peony,Green peony, Lemon peony, Purple peony
Price, FOB: 77.56$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/4/6
per item: 0.81$
Blue pearls and red glittering mine with brocade tail to brocade crown;blue pearls and red glittering mine to brocade crown with red glittering;blue pearls and red glittering mine to brocade crown with green glittering;blue pearls and red glittering mine to brocade crown with white glittering;blue pearls and red glittering mine to brocade crown with blue pearls;blue pearls and red glittering mine to brocade crown with chrys.
Price, FOB: 15.67$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 2/1
per item: 7.84$
per shot: 0.33$
Red tail to red palm with time rain;red tail to sea blue with crackling chrys.;green tail to green palm with time rain;golden glittering willow with blue head;chrys. mine with red tail to color dahlia and time rain
Price, FOB: 20.70$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 5.17$
Red dahlia with chrys.;red/white and blue glittering time rain mine to borcade crown with red glittering;purple dahlia with chrys.;red/white and blue glittering time rain mine to borcade crown with white glittering;sky blue dahlia with chrys.; red/white and blue glittering time rain mine to borcade crown with sky blue chrys.;
Price, FOB: 29.14$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 7.28$
Special white borcade crown with red pearls with white glittering;red and blue mine to silk whistle;no tail to pink and sea blue chrys.
Price, FOB: 29.14$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 8/1
per item: 3.64$
Red pearls with white glittering;green pearls with white glittering;purple pearls with chrys.;sky blue with chrys.;red with blue mine to silk with whistle
Price, FOB: 29.54$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/1
per item: 2.46$
Time rain mine with red ,green,purple and lemon comet;brocade palm;blue pearls mine to golden glittering willow comet;red pearls with white glittering;red glittering mine to silver silk whistle; chrys. mine to brocade palm with color glittering chrys.
Price, FOB: 30.75$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 7.69$
Red silk;green silk;blue silk with red crossette;blue silk with green crossette;blue silk with color crossette; silver palm to red and green glittering
Price, FOB: 33.96$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 8.49$
Color dahlia with white glittering to red palm with white glittering;color dahlia with white glittering to green palm with white glittering;color dahlia with white glittering to brocade palm with white glittering;blue pearl with chrys. mine to red sky blue and white glittering;blue pearl with chrys. mine to orange green and white glittering;
Price, FOB: 34.77$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 8.69$
per shot: 0.29$
Purple pearls with golden glittering;sky blue with red glittering; color silk;blue pearls with green leaves;red green with purple; blue pearls with time rain;blue pearls with red leaves;silk whistle;purple pearls with red glittering,golden glittering and chrys.
Price, FOB: 38.78$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 4/1
per item: 9.70$