Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


Gold chrys
Blue to red glittering
Price, FOB: 84.17$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 3.51$
per shot: 0.07$
Gold chrys
Red green blue orange star
Price, FOB: 102.80$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 4.28$
per shot: 0.05$
brocade crown with red dahlia
brocade crown with blue dahlia
brocade crown with green dahlia
silver coconut with red strobe
gold coconut to green star
gold coconut and gold chrys
red coconut with white strobe
Price, FOB: 38.48$
Packing: 6/1
per item: 6.41$
per shot: 0.23$
red coconut with white strobe
green coconut with red strobe
brocade crown with crackling
purple star with green strobe
brocade crown with red and blue dahlia
brocade crown and chrys
Price, FOB: 38.48$
Packing: 6/1
per item: 6.41$
per shot: 0.23$
Blue tail blast brocade crown king blue pearl,red tail blast brocade crown king white strobe,green tail blast purple palm blue pearl,red tail blast red palm time rain,red tail blast brocade crown king red strobe,crackling palm,one row one effect.
Price, FOB: 30.37$
Packing: 2/1
per item: 15.18$
per shot: 0.42$