Red tail blast white strobe willow and dark red, blue tail blast white strobe willow and sky blue, dark red、sky blue and white strobe waterfall, blue tail blast dark red、sky blue crackling
Red tail blast dark red white strobe, blue tail blast sky blue white strobe, silver tail blast silver palm red strobe, blue tail blast silver palm dark red、sky blue peony, red tail blast silver palm with crackling
Blue tail spit sky blue and silver fish, blue tail spit red strobe and silver fish, red tail blast dark red、sky blue and white strobe, blue tail blast red flower
Special red and white glitter mine to crimson sky blue dahlia and white glitter, purple green palm with white glitter, lemon sky blue dahlia and white glitter, red green palm with white glitter, multicolor delayed crackling.
White glitter tail to white glittering willows with sky blue and red peony, gold glitter to gold glittering willows with red and orange peony, last shots of brocade to silk burst willows.