#25845 TOYS for kids

#25845 TOYS for kids
image #7
#25845 TOYS for kids
image #6
#25845 TOYS for kids
image #5
#25845 TOYS for kids
image #4
#25845 TOYS for kids
image #3
#25845 TOYS for kids
image #2
#25845 TOYS for kids
image #1
#25845 TOYS for kids
#25845 TOYS for kids
#25845 TOYS for kids
#25845 TOYS for kids
#25845 TOYS for kids
#25845 TOYS for kids
#25845 TOYS for kids
Prix: 0.36$*
Emballage: 4/36/6
Quantité d’articles dans l’emballage: 864
Prix à l’unité: 0.00$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


TOYS for kids
Magic Pens
Write everything what you want
Can write on every material (glasses, window)
Different colors
Lightning in the night time if use special lamp


  • Shipping pieces 864
  • Emballage 4/36/6
  • Volume, m³ 0,072
  • Poids de l’emballage (kg) 14,0
  • Certificat CE oui
  • Code du producteur STZ
  • Nombre minimum 1000
  • Bon pour le marché des Etats-Unis True
  • Forme de l'article Prisme rectangulaire
  • Longueur 95
  • Largeur 10

Fabricant: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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