LBH16 is a confetti firing system machine .it has rapid-firing and stepping-firing two functions,the rapid-firing time can adjust in your mind from 1seconds to 99seconds, it can adjust the firing shot from 1 to 16.there is power source battery inside.
Caractéristiques techniquesLBH16 is a confetti firing system machine .it has rapid-firing and stepping-firing two functions,the rapid-firing time can adjust in your mind from 1seconds to 99seconds, it can adjust the firing shot from 1 to 16.there is power source battery inside.
Attention ! Le portail ne peut être tenu pour responsable pour les situations extraordinaires qui surviennent du fait du fournisseur ou du client. Seules les deux parties au contrat sont tenues de respecter les arrangements auxquels elles sont parvenues.