#2913 The wireless receiver (PYRO-RF.10.120.R)

#2913 The wireless receiver (PYRO-RF.10.120.R)
Preço, FOB: 170.00$*
Peças em caixa: None
Preço por item: 170.00$
* O preço antigo! Verificar com a fábrica!


Ideal for running small park and ground fireworks for the initiation of the fountains indoors and outdoors, to launch fireworks, set in the remote places. Allowable distance from the transmitter to the receiver: 60-240 meters. Technical parameters of the receiver: Power - 9V (crown), the current consumption in test mode - up to 0.06 A, the current in standby mode - up to 0.02 A output current to 1.2 A fuses in the power supply 9 V, equipped with an antenna to establish a stable signal on and off toggle switch.


  • Características técnicas Number of Channels: 10 Dimensions in mm: 120 x 90 x 30 Weight: 0.17


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