wholesale market
29 de Agosto de 2016
Good news ozozon.com team is happy to announce to our subscribers new possibilities of the best pyrotechnics portal b2b. Now you are able to get information regarding pyrotechnic events and be the first one who evaluates unique fireworks and innovative products of pyrotechnic industry.
Following the link http://video.ozozon.com/live/ everybody can see on daily basis with their own eyes displays of the products of the best manufactures of the fireworks, located in the capital of fireworks Liuyang, China.
From 6 to 10 pm (GMT + 7:00) on the world famed shooting place in Liuyang you will see unique cakes, dazzling pyrotechnic festival balls with creative effects, roman candles and rockets. It is not an exhaustive list of the fireworks which is evaluated by spectators.
If you need more, for fans and professionals of pyrotechnics industry each Saturday there is a real fireworks show, please follow the link http://video.ozozon.com/live/
Stay in step with trends of fireworks business and get information about new comers on the market first of all with ozozon.com