wholesale market
2 de Setembro de 2015
On the 21st of August 2015 in the capital of Russian Federation, Moscow, International firework festival took place.
Participants of the Festival were teams from different countries, which are winners and prizewinners of all kinds of international events and which won the recognition of spectators from all over the world. Among the participants were such companies as “Minergis” (Czech Republic), “Parente Fireworks” (Italy), “IGUAL” (Spain), “New Year” (China), “Spa pirotecnia” (Chile), and also Russian team “The fireworks center “Khan”.
Theme of the festival was chosen “National character”. Every participant team during 8 minutes was to present on court of spectators and jury a musical pyrotechnic performance, which would tell about their country in full measure. Incidental music accentuated the national theme, for example, participants from Spain organized a real Corrida in the sky and deserved applause and shouts of spectators, which didn’t go away for a long time, because they were impressed by what they saw.
Representatives of every foreign team were curated by Russian pyrotechnic companies, which both provided necessary conditions for work of participants and helped to charge equipment and work with a brought program.
Participants of the festival used generally products Chinese fireworks manufacturers, but also there were presented Italian, Spanish and Russian manufacturers.
The first who presented a performance were participants from Republic of Belarus “Kalvin” LLC, then Czech, Spanish and Italian teams took the baton.
The second day of even was opened by pyrotechnics from Finland, China, Chile and Russia. The festival was ended by a grandiose gala show of Russian professional, acted out of competition. A script of the show was being designed more than a month and it included light and laser show on the water, and also spectacular at its scope firework to the classical music.
For judging were selected the biggest specialists in the pyrotechnic field, and also famous Russian musicians and actors.
The winner of the First International Firework Festival in Moscow (Russian Federation) became Russian company The center of Fireworks “Khan”.
At the end of the Festival administration of Moscow (Russian Federation) decided to confer to the even a status of annual firework festival.
Despite all inconveniences connected to parking places, entrance fee and entrance with accreditation to the best observation decks – viewers were pleased with the spectacle they saw and they look forward to next year to refresh unforgettable experience in their memory.
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