wholesale market
27 de Setembro de 2015
Requirements & Rules
1.Time of Show
Evening, November 6, 2015. 15 minutes for each participant.
2.Music and Edit
2.1 The background music selected by participants representing different countries shall be distinctive in regional characteristics
2.2 The music selected and edited by participants shall be in conformity with the theme of the show. Introductory materials on the theme, episode and the music edit shall be provided.
3. Source, Category and Quantity of Fireworks
3.1 Source of firework products
Fireworks to be displayed must be produced by its own manufactories or entrusted Chinese manufacturers and must meet the requirements stipulated in GB10631-2013, our national standard on firework safety and quality.
3.2 Firework Variety and Quantity
Innovative displaying forms and new products are encouraged in the show. The quantity of fireworks shall be strictly controlled within the limits. Sizes for display shells, with a total quantity not less than 1200 shots, can be arranged according to the needs of the participants but must be controlled from 3” (76mm) to 8” (203mm). Single shots and special fireworks must be not less than 3000 shots.
4. Requirements for the Placement of Fireworks
4.1 Qualification of Firework Technicians
The technicians shall be qualified with licenses or certificates for firework display and operation issued by related authorities. Each participant shall assign at least one leader and five technicians from its own company for on-site direction and firework placement. And its cooperative Chinese partner shall bear Class A certificate for firework shows.
4.2 Preparation Time
The on-site preparation time is three days. (i.e. November 3 to 6). The participant must arrive on the site and make preparations according to this designated time.
4.3 Requirements for Shell Placement
4.3.1 The organizing committee shall provide 450*6m fields for display shells and 450*3m fields for special effects. The position of these fields shall be allocated and confirmed through drawing lots.
4.3.2 When submitting related materials for approving, the applicant shall provide the layout plan with specific field size, firework varieties and their quantities.
4.3.3 Angle shooting for 8” shell is prohibited. When necessary, angles for 3-6 inch shells shall not exceed 30°. Inclined shooting towards audience or mortars without enough protective measures at the bottom are not permitted.
4.3.4 Mortars for shell shooting shall be fixed tightly with double-deck steel pipes. Mortars for 5 inch and above shall be fastened with iron wires one by one. Mortars for 7 and 8 inch shells shall be reinforced with sand bags.
4.3.5 Steel pipe installation and shell loading shall be done before November 4. Shell mortars must be covered with protective shields.
5. Rules of Competition and Award
5.1 The scoring criterion consists of on-site checking points (10%) and displaying performance points (90%), and the details for scoring are to be drafted separately.
5.2 Jury of the competition, headed by experts in firework shows will consist of nine top show masters, art experts and other related individuals invited by the organizing committee from home and abroad.
5.3 The competition shall be scored in accordance with the following points:
Combination of the firework show with the music rhythm and melody
Combination of firework effects with the theme and conception
Innovative measures on design, techniques etc.
Quality of firework products, safety measures and environment control
On-site installation checking results
6. Awards and subsidies
6.1 Awards Setting
First prize will be awarded with bonus RMB 50000 and an honorary certificate; second prize will be awarded with bonus RMB 30000 and an honorary certificate, third prize will be awarded with bonus RMB20000 and an honorary certificate and an honorary certificate will be issued to the fourth prize.
6.2 Expense Subsidy
Each participant will be receiving a 300,000RMB subsidy from the organizing committee. Except for the subsidy and the bonus, all expenses, including accommodation, traffic, product and equipment transportation, equipment installation etc., incurred from this competition will be borne by the participant itself.