White glittering mine burst white glittering Blue star mine burst blue star Red star mine burst red star Whistling with silver tail Burst white glittering Crackling mine Burst blue star Crackling mine Burst red star Crackling mine
Crackling tail up burst red dahlia and chrys Crackling tail up burst blue dahlia and chrys Crackling tail up burst green dahlia and chrys Crackling tail up burst purple dahlia and chrys Brocade crown and crackling
Red coconut and white glittering Green coconut and gold glittering Silver coconut and red glittering Purple coconut and green glittering Brocade crown and red star Brocade crown and green star Brocade crown and blue star Gold willow and white glittering Gold willow and red glittering Red green coconut and crackling Blue star and chrys
Silver crown and time rain comet and red comet Orange dahlia and white glittering Blue dahlia and white glittering Colorful dahlia and white glittering Green dahlia and red glittering Colorful dahlia and crackling chrys Brocade crown and gypsophila Brocade crown and red peony and white glittering with red tail Spider willow and green glittering with red tail Green mine up burst blue peony red glittering willow Red mine up burst gold coconut and red peony green glittering Crackling mine up burst red green peony and crackling chrys Crackling mine up burst brocade crown and crackling chrys
Green silk comet Brocade crown gypsophila Colorful dahlia and crackling chrys Blue dahlia and white glittering Orange dahlia and white glittering Colorful dahlia and white glittering Green dahlia and red glittering Ti-gold coconut and white glittering with red tail Brocade crown and red glittering with green tail Spider willow and green glittering with red tail Red mine up burst brocade crown and purple peony green glittering Geen mine up burst blue peony red glittering willow Green mine up burst Ti-gold coconut and green glittering Crackling mine up burst purple and blue peony and crackling chrys Crackling mine up burst brocade crown and crackling chrys
1-2row,1.2" each row 8 shots, brocade crown red green star , brocade crown white strobe 3-8 rows,0.8" X shape each row 7 shots,white strobe mine red post green post 9-12 rows,1" S shape each row 7 shots,spit brocade crown horse tail 13,15 rows,1" F shape each row 7 shots, blue mine white strobe tail post , row up and row up. 14,16rows, 1" F shape each row 7 shots,blue mine time rain tail post ,row up and row up. 17 row, 1" F shape 7 shots, blue tail brocade crown blue star ,together. 18 row 1" F shape 7 shots, blue tail brocade crown blue star , silver spinner,together. 19-20 rows,1" each row 10 shots,red blue time rain , purple green time rain 21-27 rows,0.8" F shape,each row 8 shots, crackling mine red green post ,white strobe tail post, silver tail whistling, row up and row up. 28 row,1" 10 shots,red blue time rain , purple green time rain 29 row,1.2" 8 shots,blue mine blast brocade crown, fast on 30 row,1.2" 8 shots,silver spinner tail silver chrys,The first four shots are fast,The last four shots together.
1row, red tail red blue star , fast on , 2row, green tail green star white strobe , 3row, red tail red palm green strobe , 4row, green tsil green palm red strobe , 5row, time rain post , 6row, red tail red palm green strobe , 7row, green tail green palm red strobe , 8row, crackling mine silver tail whistling , (3-7rows fast on S shape , 8row together), 9row, crackling mine silver tail whistling , 10row, crackling mine blast brocade crown , (9-10rows ,together ,row by row fast on ). 11row, crackling mine silver tail whistling , 12row, crackling mine silver tail whistling , 13row, crackling mine blast crackling . (10,11,12rows together , row by row fast on ).
Factory Designed Cheap Cakes. red star white strobe , green tail green palm crackling , blue star white strobe ,green star chrys , red palm blue star , brocade crown .
1row, red tail purple green star gold strobe , 2row, red tail crackling blue star , 3-4row, gold tail titanium gold willow brocade crown , blue star silver fish , (shot by shot , 2 shots together , ) 5row, blue tail time rain willow red strobe ,(3 shots fast on .) 6row, green tail brocade crown chrys .
Factory Designed Cheap Cakes. brocade crown red star , brocade crown green star ,brocade crown purple star , brocade crown blue star , brocade crown orange star , brocade crown white strobe , brocade crown chrys .
Factory Designed Cheap Cakes. red blue star white strobe , orange red palm blue star , red palm white strobe ,green palm chrys , brocade time rain willow red star .
silver tail titanium salute , red blue star chrys ,brocade crown red blue star , brocade crown gold strobe , borcade crown blue star , brocade crown green strobe ,red strobe tail to silver strobe willow , red strobe tail to red strobe willow , no tail to silver moving red plum , brocade crown mine to red blue star chrys , brocade crown king blue star , green post , no tail to silver moving red plum , no tail to chrys , time rain tail to silver time rain blue dahlia .
Row 1,2 brocade crown red blue star , Row 3,4 brocade crown white strobe , Row 5 brocade crown chrys , Row 6,8,10 titanium gold palm red strobe , Row 7,9 titanium gold willow green strobe , Row 11 brocade time rain willow red blue star , Row 12 brocade time rain willow white strobe , Row 13 brocade time rain willow red blue star , Row 14 brocade time rain willow white strobe , Row 15 brocade crown red strobe white strobe , Row 16,17,18,19,20 brocade time rain red green strobe .
green tail to purple pearl white strobe , green tail to green pearl white stronbe ,green tail to lemon white strobe , green tail to wave willow red strobe, green tail to wave willow green strobe , red tail to wave willow gold strobe , green tail to brocade crown red strobe , green tail to purple pearl time rain , green tail to green pearl time rain , green tail to lemon time rain .
red tail to brocade crown red pearl blue pearl , red tail to brocade crown white strobe , red tail to brocade crown chrys , red tail to wave willow red strobe ,red tail to wave willow green strobe , red tail to time rain willow red pearl blue pearl , red tail to time rain willow white strobe , red tail to brocade crown red pearl white strobe , red tail to silk willow red strobe green strobe .
green tail brocade crown blue star , green tail brocade crown green star gold strobe , silver tail brocade crown white strobe , red tail brocade crown lemon star red strobe , chrys mine chrys red lemon star , gold strobe mine brocade crown gold strobe , white strobe mine brocade crown white strobe red star , red strobe mine tatunium willow brocade crown , green strobe mine brocade crown green strobe purple star , chrys mine chrys lemon star , chrys mine whistling +chrys lemon star .
blue star silver fish/time rain post , red tail white plum purple green star ,green tail red plum green strobe blue star ,red tail red green palm/ chrys ball , red tail red palm blue star green strobe , blue tail titanium gold palm blue dahlia ,red tail brocade crown time rain ,green tail time rain willow red green star ,silver spinner tail purple lemon star , chrys mines to brocade crown chrys .
purple wave gold willow ,purple star chrys ,brocade crown wave willow ,blue star silver falling leave , ren wave blue star , time rain willow red star .
green palm chrys / green tail purple palm green strobe ,white strobe mines ,red palm post ,white strobe, white strobe mines ,green palm post ,white strobe ,red strobe mines , yellow palm post ,red strobe ,red strobe mines ,purple palm post ,red strobe ,red tail brocade crown red green star ,green tail red green spider .