#13674 T-01 fireworks equipment

#13674 T-01  fireworks equipment
#13674 T-01  fireworks equipment
#13674 T-01  fireworks equipment
#13674 T-01  fireworks equipment
Preço, FOB: 462.85$*
Embalagem: 100/1
Peças em caixa: 100
Preço por item: 4.63$
* O preço antigo! Verificar com a fábrica!


T-10 is a practical small size,a remote controlled electronic ignition of many fireworks products,using 1 million of non-repetition of the more secure codec technology,which allows the set off of fireworks can be tens of meters to a few hundred meters from the set off of wireless remote control,no ignition officers atclose range.


  • Características técnicas T-10 is a practical small size,a remote controlled electronic ignition of many fireworks products,using 1 million of non-repetition of the more secure codec technology,which allows the set off of fireworks can be tens of meters to a few hundred meters from the set off of wireless remote control,no ignition officers atclose range.
  • Peças de envio 100
  • Embalagem 100/1
  • Volume de embalagem de transporte, m³ 0,031
  • Peso da caixa de transporte 7,0
  • Disponibilidade de certificado CE Sim
  • Código de fabricante SBC
  • Quantidade mínima 1
  • Forma do item Rectangle prism
  • Length 340
  • Width 215
  • Height 42

Fábrica: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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