#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame

#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame
#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame
#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame
#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame
#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame
#13667 CD08 8 set of cold flame
Preço, FOB: 315.58$*
Embalagem: 10/1
Peças em caixa: 10
Preço por item: 31.56$
* O preço antigo! Verificar com a fábrica!


Welcome to use CD08 cold flame firing system. The products include one remote with 8 keys and 8 pcs receivers for cold flame. Each receiver has battery inside. Can take in the biggest diameter for clod flame is 4.2CM.the distance of the remote is about 80M.


  • Características técnicas Welcome to use CD08 cold flame firing system. The products include one remote with 8 keys and 8 pcs receivers for cold flame. Each receiver has battery inside. Can take in the biggest diameter for clod flame is 4.2CM.the distance of the remote is about 80M.
  • Peças de envio 10
  • Embalagem 10/1
  • Volume de embalagem de transporte, m³ 0,091
  • Peso da caixa de transporte 18,0
  • Disponibilidade de certificado CE Sim
  • Código de fabricante SBC
  • Quantidade mínima 1
  • Forma do item Rectangle prism
  • Length 730
  • Width 260
  • Height 480

Fábrica: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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