#9392 48cues remote firing system

Uploaded at Sept. 2, 2016

#9392 48cues remote firing system
#9392 48cues remote firing system
#9392 48cues remote firing system
#9392 48cues remote firing system
#9392 48cues remote firing system
Price, FOB: 733.59$*
Packing: 4/1
Pieces in box: 4
Price per item: 183.40$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


48cues remote firing system


  • Technical characteristics 区数:4个 组数:48组 遥控距离:300米 产品功能:可分区,点射/单区齐上/单区速射(0.4秒)都支持。 主机电源:6节5号电池 接收盒电源:6节5号电池 District: 4 Cues: 48 Remote distance: 300M product function: diffent district. fire a fireworks/fire all in a district/ sequence(0.4s) in a district. Remote power: 6pcs AA Receiver power : 6pcs AA
  • Shipping pieces 4
  • Packing 4/1
  • Volume, m³ 0.02
  • Carton weight (kg) 17.0
  • Hazard class according to ADR 1.4G
  • Presence of the CE certificate Yes
  • Manufacturer code ELH
  • Minimal Qty 1

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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