#13673 AN06R fireworks equipment

#13673 AN06R fireworks equipment
#13673 AN06R fireworks equipment
#13673 AN06R fireworks equipment
#13673 AN06R fireworks equipment
Price, FOB: 631.07$*
Packing: 50/1
Pieces in box: 50
Price per item: 12.62$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


AN06R is a small size, long distance remote control ,six groups fireworks firing system ,they use of 1 million duplicate set of secure coding techniques, so that the fireworks can be discharge 10meters outside the wireless remote control, without the closing fire the ignition, firing fireworks become more convenient and safer.


  • Technical characteristics AN06R is a small size, long distance remote control ,six groups fireworks firing system ,they use of 1 million duplicate set of secure coding techniques, so that the fireworks can be discharge 10meters outside the wireless remote control, without the closing fire the ignition, firing fireworks become more convenient and safer.
  • Shipping pieces 50
  • Packing 50/1
  • Volume, m³ 0.035
  • Carton weight (kg) 7.5
  • Presence of the CE certificate Yes
  • Manufacturer code SBC
  • Minimal Qty 1
  • Form of item Rectangle prism
  • Length 420
  • Width 310
  • Height 270

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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