#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment

#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment
#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment
#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment
#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment
#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment
#13659 ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment
Price, FOB: 555.34$*
Packing: 1/1
Pieces in box: 1
Price per item: 555.34$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment, divided into a, B, C, D, e, F, G, h, I, J ten districts, consists of five cues receiver, each receiver has 20 group (2 District), a total of 100 groups, each group can use about 10 fireworks ignitor together, cable main wire 60 meters, side wire 10 meters.


  • Technical characteristics ELC100 is a high power fireworks equipment, divided into a, B, C, D, e, F, G, h, I, J ten districts, consists of five cues receiver, each receiver has 20 group (2 District), a total of 100 groups, each group can use about 10 fireworks ignitor together, cable main wire 60 meters, side wire 10 meters.
  • Shipping pieces 1
  • Packing 1/1
  • Volume, m³ 0.0129
  • Carton weight (kg) 4.8
  • Presence of the CE certificate Yes
  • Manufacturer code SBC
  • Minimal Qty 1
  • Form of item Rectangle prism
  • Length 375
  • Width 255
  • Height 135

Factory: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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