Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


Silver palm with white strobe, red and green and blue dahlia
Price, FOB: 28.82$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 1.20$
per shot: 0.15$
Brocade with white strobe,red and green palm with chrys,silver plam with chrys,red wave and green wave, red palm with whit strobe
Price, FOB: 35.66$
Packing: 18/1
per item: 1.98$
per shot: 0.25$
Red and green dahlia with white strobe,gold palm with white strobe,purple dahlia,brocade with time rain
Price, FOB: 39.62$
Packing: 18/1
per item: 2.20$
per shot: 0.28$
golden strobe willow with blue pearl , blue pearl crackling , yellow palm with blue pearl , green palm with crackling
Price, FOB: 39.42$
Packing: 18/1
per item: 2.19$
per shot: 0.27$
Red green palm,silver palm red pearl,Red pearl white strobe,Yellow palm crackling
Price, FOB: 39.42$
Packing: 18/1
per item: 2.19$
per shot: 0.27$
Red blue white strobe,Purple green pearl time rain,Brocade palm green strobe,Red palm time rain
Price, FOB: 70.02$
Packing: 36/1
per item: 1.95$
per shot: 0.24$
Sky blue pearl with white strobe,red palm with chrys blue pearl,purple green with time rain,red blue palm with crackling.
Price, FOB: 33.54$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 12/1
per item: 2.79$
per shot: 0.35$
Red palm with green strobe,red pearl with white strobe,green pearl with gold wave,red palm with time rain.
Price, FOB: 37.81$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 27/1
per item: 1.40$
per shot: 0.18$
Red green pearl,green palm with time rain,red palm with white strobe,brocade crown crackling.
Price, FOB: 43.22$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 48/1
per item: 0.90$
per shot: 0.11$
Purple green pearl,red palm with time rain,gold willow with green strobe,yellow palm with crackling.
Price, FOB: 51.77$*
* Outdated price
Packing: 24/4
per item: 0.54$
per shot: 0.07$
Crackling and brocade crown with green pearl, Gold wave and coconut blue,Red coconut, Silk crown
Price, FOB: 51.99$
Packing: 22/2
per item: 1.18$
per shot: 0.15$
Red tail blast red palm with crackling,green tail blast green palm with crackling,silver tail blast silver palm with crackling,blue tail blast blue pearl with crackling
Price, FOB: 75.61$
Packing: 32/2
per item: 1.18$
per shot: 0.15$