Catalogue of fireworks and equipment


Red pearl with white strobe, blue pearl with crackling,purple pearl with green strobe,red pearl with time rain
Price, FOB: 39.62$
Packing: 36/1
per item: 1.10$
per shot: 0.14$
Red pearl with white strobe,red and green palm,brocade to green,red palm with chrys
Price, FOB: 41.78$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 1.74$
per shot: 0.22$
As client video,with bottom and cap,2 different effect with cellophane together. A: Red palm with gold strobe,green palm with white strobe,purple palm with green strobe,green and blue pearl with gold chrys,B:purple and green pearl with chrys,gold willow with reed and blue pearl,purple and blue pearl with gold strobe,red and green pearl with chrys
Price, FOB: 59.07$
Packing: 48/2
per item: 0.62$
per shot: 0.08$
Red pearl with white strobe,brocade to time rain willow with green strobe,brocade crown with blue pearl,green palm with chrys.
Price, FOB: 41.42$
Packing: 18/1
per item: 2.30$
per shot: 0.29$