The “4 Flame head system” can fire a desired (color) flame up to 10 meter high in optimal conditions. The system consists of 4 small flame heads and one big fluid tank 30L. Inside the flame head, a small butane canister provides the gas for the pilot flame. Once the safety system detects the pilot flame, it’s possible to generate a big (color) flame column. The 30 liter capacity pressure tank is the (color) flame fluid reservoir
that will be pressurized by an external nitrogen gas cylinder to get the required pressure for the system and 4 flame heads are connected to this fluid tank with fluid hoses. The flame heads are truss-mountable.
The height of the flame depends on the nozzle and working pressure from the system. 1.5mm nozzle at 15 bar generates a flame of 5 - 6 meter high and 2 mm nozzle at 20 bar generates a flame of 8 - 10 meter high.
Технические характеристикиPOWER : 110V / 230V / 130W
HEAD - 16(L) x 30(W) x 32(H)cm
TANK - 44(L) x 47(W) x 77(H)cm
WEIGHT : 11kg
FLAME HEIGHT : 5 to 10m
MAIN FUEL : SFX fluid, Isopar G or H
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