#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)

Загружено 26 марта 2015 г.

#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
#8219 Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)
Price, FOB: 39.99$*
Фасовка: 12/10/10
Изделий в коробке: 1200
Цена за штуку: 0.03$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Small firecracker which flying to the sky (big sound)


  • Размер изделия Параллелепипед 13xNonex60
  • Изделий в коробке 1200
  • Фасовка 12/10/10
  • Класс опасности по ДОПОГ 1.4G
  • Код производителя CLJ
  • Минимальное количество 100
  • Form of item Параллелепипед
  • Длина 13
  • Высота 60

Фабрика: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd

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