#2753 Hurricane Multi Flame System

#2753 Hurricane Multi Flame System
Price, FOB: 6900.00$*
Фасовка: 1
Изделий в коробке: 1
Цена за штуку: 6900.00$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


Hurricane Multi Color Flame System can fire up to 4 different colors of flames up to 10 meter high in optimal conditions. The system consists of a small flame head and 4 fluid tanks. 4 nozzles are installed on the flame head. Inside the flame head, a small butane canister provides the gas for the pilot flame.

Once the safety system detects the pilot flame, it’s possible to generate a big (color) flame column.

The 4 x 11 liter capacity pressure tanks are the (color) flame fluid reservoirs that will be pressurized

by an external nitrogen gas cylinder to get the required pressure for the system.

The height of the flame depends on the nozzle and working pressure from the system.

1.5 mm nozzle at 15 bar generates a flame of 5 - 6 meter high and 2 mm nozzle at 20 bar generates a flame of 8 - 10 meter high.


  • Технические характеристики POWER : 110V / 230V / 220W DIMENSIONS : 54(L) x 54(W) x 93(H)cm WEIGHT : 60kg FLAME HEIGHT : 5 to 10m Tank capacity : 4 x 11L MAIN FUEL : COLOR FLAME FLUID, Isopar G or H
  • Изделий в коробке 1
  • Фасовка 1


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