It has rapid-fire and stepping-fire two functions and can operate not only on the machine but in remote control! The rapid-fire time from 0.1 seconds to 9.9seconds,you can adjust it in your mind! There is battery inside ,so it can work outside and connect with other machine,in the working time ,it can work from the first machine to the last,the time of the machines can adjust alone! Put the plug connector to the current electricity and charge for two hours.
Технические характеристикиIt has rapid-fire and stepping-fire two functions and can operate not only on the machine but in remote control!
The rapid-fire time from 0.1 seconds to 9.9seconds,you can adjust it in your mind! There is battery inside ,so it can work outside and connect with other machine,in the working time ,it can work from the first machine to the last,the time of the machines can adjust alone! Put the plug connector to the current electricity and charge for two hours.
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