Каталог фейерверков и оборудования


Red pearl with white strobe,green pearl with gold chrys,brocade with green strobe,red and green with white strobe,red palm blue pearl with time rain,purple pearl with green strobe,red green palm with chrys
Price, FOB: 22.67$
Фасовка: 1/1
за штуку: 22.67$
за выстрел: 0.46$
Row 1:Red comet tail blast purple dahlia silver chrys.;Red comet tail blast red palm green strobe,alternately Row 2:Brocade tail blast brocade crown blue pearl Row 3:Red comet tail blast green spider red strobe,Blue comet tail blast blue palm golden strobe,alternately Row 4:Red comet tail blast red green dahlia with time rain Row 5:Blue tail blast lotus flower with red strobe;Blue comet tail blast golden willow with brocade crown,alternately Row 6:Blue tail blast golden willow to blue;Red comet tail blast brocade crown green strobe,alternately Row 7:Brocade tail blast red green dahlia with chrys
Price, FOB: 24.01$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 1/1
за штуку: 24.01$
за выстрел: 0.49$
Red palm time rain,golden palm to red blue,red green sky blue chrysanthemum,golden palm golden strobe,golden palm to red with white strobe,red green yellow dahlia time rain willow.
Price, FOB: 35.27$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 2/1
за штуку: 17.63$
за выстрел: 0.49$
Red,green,yellow spider post, red strobe with chrys,red and yellow dahlia with white strobe, purple and green dahlia with white strobe,brocade with white strobe,brocade with green strobe,red palm with chrys,green plam with chrys,yellow palm with chrys,silver plam,silver time rain with blue pearl,brocade with chrys
Price, FOB: 77.86$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 1/1
за штуку: 77.86$
1 shot yellow smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to blast crackling / 1 shot green smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to blast crackling/1 shot blue smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to blast crackling/1 shot red smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to blast crackling/ 1 shot purple smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to blast crackling
Price, FOB: 19.20$
Фасовка: 2/1
за штуку: 9.60$
1 shot white smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to blast crackling / 1 shot blue smoke 1 shot cracklingmine up to crackling / 1 shot red smoke 1 shot crackling mine up to crackling
Price, FOB: 40.15$
Фасовка: 6/1
за штуку: 6.69$
1.red tail red palm with green strobe
2.red tail red green dahlia with crackling pearl
3.red tail brocade crown and white strobe with crackling
4.red tail green palm with chrys
5.red tail crocade crown and white strobe with crackling pearl
6.red tail brocade crown with green strobe
7.red tail red green dahlia with crackling
Price, FOB: 20.08$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 1/1
за штуку: 20.08$
за выстрел: 0.41$
1.red tail with red dahlia with white strobe
2.red tail with purple dahlia with green strobe
3.red tail brocade crown and blue with crackling pearl.
4.red tail brocade crown and blue with crackling pearl.
5.red tail brocade crown with green strobe
6.red green dahlia +crackling
7.red tail red willow with chrys
Price, FOB: 22.67$
Фасовка: 1/1
за штуку: 22.67$
за выстрел: 0.46$
Crackling tail blast crackling,blue smoke with crackling tail,red smoke with crackling tail
Price, FOB: 16.97$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 2/1
за штуку: 8.48$
Compound , so made of 5 cakes of 20 shots( 2 rows of 10 shots) : cake 1 Chrysanthemum mine crackling tail blast red dahlia chrysanthemum Cake 2 chrysanthemum mine crackling tail blast blue dahlia chrysanthemum Cake 3 chrysanthemum mine crackling tail blast red green dahlia chrysanthemum Cake 4 chrysanthemum mine crackling tail blast blue purple dahlia chrysanthemum Cake 5 Chrysanthemum mine crackling tail blast red dahlia chrysanthemum last row shooting togheter
Price, FOB: 19.73$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 1/1
за штуку: 19.73$
за выстрел: 0.20$
Blue pearl white strobe, red palm crackling, green palm white strobe, purple pearl green strobe, yellow palm crackling, brocade crown, green pearl time rain, brocade crown red strobe, purple palm green strobe, time rain.
Price, FOB: 32.12$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 4/1
за штуку: 8.03$
за выстрел: 0.08$
Golden strobe willow tail spit white strobe waterfall
Price, FOB: 35.20$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 8/1
за штуку: 4.40$
за выстрел: 0.12$
Blue mine with golden spinner
Price, FOB: 40.22$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 8/1
за штуку: 5.03$
за выстрел: 0.14$
4 layer mine,green strobe mine,golden hibiscus flower,blue pearl,purple powder post,one row one effect
Price, FOB: 40.33$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 3/1
за штуку: 13.44$
за выстрел: 0.19$
Spinner tail with silver fish blue pearl
Price, FOB: 52.79$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 8/1
за штуку: 6.60$
за выстрел: 0.18$
Chrysanthemum mine blast chrysanthemum(crackling mine sound needs to be ended right before Chrysanthemum effect burst)
Price, FOB: 26.54$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 4/1
за штуку: 6.63$
за выстрел: 0.18$
Silver tail blast silver strobe
Price, FOB: 29.50$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 24/1
за штуку: 1.23$
за выстрел: 0.08$
Silver tail blast silver palm silver strobe
Price, FOB: 29.50$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 24/1
за штуку: 1.23$
за выстрел: 0.08$
Flower crown tail blast flower crown white strobe
Price, FOB: 29.50$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 24/1
за штуку: 1.23$
за выстрел: 0.08$
Red tail blast red strobe with sea blue pearl
Price, FOB: 26.36$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 6/1
за штуку: 4.39$
за выстрел: 0.12$
Crackling tail blast golden chrysanthemum with red pearl
Price, FOB: 26.40$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 6/1
за штуку: 4.40$
за выстрел: 0.12$
Blue tail blast brocade crown with crackling
Price, FOB: 26.40$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 6/1
за штуку: 4.40$
за выстрел: 0.12$
Crackling mine blast red green strobe
Price, FOB: 29.50$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 24/1
за штуку: 1.23$
за выстрел: 0.08$
Silver tail blast silver strobe red pearl
Price, FOB: 37.71$*
* Outdated price
Фасовка: 8/5
за штуку: 0.94$
за выстрел: 0.09$