#25225 colorfull confetti 20CM,colorfull paper from the PET material,and have different good wishes

Uploaded at 11 de Noviembre de 2020

video #1
Fabricante: YKH
#25225 colorfull confetti 20CM,colorfull paper from the PET material,and have different good wishes
image #1
Fabricante: YKH
#25225 colorfull confetti 20CM,colorfull paper from the PET material,and have different good wishes
#25225 colorfull confetti 20CM,colorfull paper from the PET material,and have different good wishes
Precio, FOB: 36.58$*
Embalaje: 9/12
Piezas en caja: 108
Precio por pieza: 0.34$
* The old price! To check with the factory!


colorfull paper from the PET material,and have different good wishes


  • Piezas envío 108
  • Embalaje 9/12
  • Volumen, m³ 0,068
  • Peso de cajón 14,0
  • Según ADR 1.4S
  • Disponibilidad de certificado CE No
  • Código de fabricante YKH
  • Cantidad mínima 100
  • Bueno para el mercado EE.UU. True
  • Forma del ítem Cilindro
  • Diámetro 50
  • Altura 200

Fábrica: SuperFireworks Co. Ltd


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