THE NFA'S MISSIONThe National Fireworks Association “NFA” is a 501(c)(6) tax-exempt organization (ein 25-1729049) that was formed in 1995 by the late Cameron Starr, the “Father of the 500 Gram Firework”. The NFA provides a forum for manufacturers, distributors, exhibitors and the public that enjoys using fireworks for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and the positive promotion of the fireworks industry in a fair and equitable manner. The NFA’s board of directors is working tirelessly to improve the business conditions of the fireworks industry of the United States of America and to preserve the tradition of buying, manufacturing, selling, using and watching fireworks on independence day and for other celebrations and holidays.
For Press Inquires Contact:Mark AndersonMark@TAGConsultingGroupLLC.com202-983-4910The Benefits of Membership
Full Voting Member ($395 USD / year) - Actively involved in Fireworks commerce, such as - Manufacturer, Exporter, Importer, Wholesaler, Retailer or Broker etc. May hold office and have voting privileges. Includes a subscription to the NFA Newsletter. Full voting members are also eligible to use the Infotrac Emergency response monitoring system for a reduced rate of $125 a year for domestic (US only) or $330 a year for international (outside US). International Member ($595 USD/ year) - A person, firm or entity that is engaged in the fireworks industry who has a main office or is registered as a company in a country that is outside of the United States and its territorial possessions will be converted to International Members. Members in this class may be appointed to serve in an Ex-Officio role on the Board of Directors, as well as be appointed to committees created by the Board of Directors. Includes a subscription to the NFA Newsletter. Friends of Fireworks ($75 USD / year) - Not actively involved in Fireworks commerce, but has an interest in the advancement of the industry. May NOT hold office or have voting privileges. Includes a subscription to the NFA Newsletter. Join TodayHISTORY OF THE NFAby Cam Starr"America's National Fireworks Association (NFA)- It's Founding, Accomplishments and Future Goals" By N. Blogin, J.R. Bartolotta, and R.L. Schneider, presented at the 15th International Symposium on Fireworks (ISF), Bordeaux, France, 2015, and published in the 15th ISF Proceedings (ISBN 978-0-9867279-9-3 and -8-6). It is included herein with permission of the International Symposium on Fireworks Society, Ltd (ISFS) Continue Reading |